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A good story

Aula de ingles voce aprende agora listen to this good story ouca essa boa historia). Something nice happened last weekend (algo legal aconteceu semana passada). I was with my girlfriend in a really expensive restaurant (eu estava com minha namorada em um restaurante muito caro). We were celebrating our birthdays -- both our birthdays are in the first week of June (nos estavamos celebrando nossos aniversarios - os nossos dois aniversarios sao na primeira semana de junho). Anyway, while we were looking at the menus, a cell phone rang (enfim, enquanto nos estavamos olhando os cardapios, um celular tocou). It was the guy next to us (era o rapaz ao nosso lado). When he finished his conversation, he and his wife got up right away, paid the bill, and left the restaurant (quando ele terminou sua conversa ele e sua esposa levantaram logo em seguida, pagaram a conta, e deixaram o restaurante). A few minutes later, the owner of the restaurant came to our table (poucos minutos depois, o dono do restaurante veio a nossa mesa). He asked if we wanted a free dinner (ele perguntou se queriamos um jantar gratis). The meal was from the people at the next table (a refeicao era das pessoas da mesa ao lado). They had to leave because they had an emergency, and they didn't have time to eat anything (eles tiveram que ir por que tiveram uma emergencia, e eles nao tiveram tempo de comer nada). It was this really nice big meal for two people (era uma refeicao grande para duas pessoas). Salad, steak, everything (salada, carne e tudo). So we had a delicious dinner, and we didn't have to pay for it (entao nos tivemos um jantar delicioso e nao tivemos que pagar por ele). Answer these questions (responda essas perguntas). Questions: This guy and his girlfriend's birthdays are the same day, the same year, or the same week (os aniversarios do rapaz e sua namorada sao no mesmo dia, mesmo ano ou na mesma semana?). When the cellphone rang this guy and his girlfriend were leaving the restaurant, eating their meal, or looking at the menus? (quando o celular tocou esse cara e sua namorada estavam deixando o restaurante, comendo sua refeicao ou olhando os cardapios?). The other customers didn't eat their meal because they didn't like it, it was too expensive, or they had to leave? (os outros clientes nao comeram sua refeicao porque nao gostaram, por que era muito caro ou por que tiveram que ir?). The guy and his girlfriend didn't order the meal, eat the meal, or want the meal? (o rapaz e sua namorada nao pediram, nao comeram ou nao quiseram a refeicao?). (Answer these questions (responda essas perguntas). See you next class!

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