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Believe it or not

Aula de ingles voce aprende agora crazy stories (histórias loucas). Believe it or not, that happened! (acredite ou não, isso aconteceu!). Antony Hicks of Truro, England, likes the rock group Level 42 so much (gosta do grupo Level 42 tanto). He decided to change his name to honor the names of the group's CDs and the original band members (ele decidiu mudar seu nome em homenagem aos nomes dos cds do grupo e dos membros que iniciaram a banda). Hicks is now legally known as (Hicks é agora legalmente conhecido como) "Ant Level Forty Two The Pursuit Of Accidents The Early Tapes Standing In The Light True Colors A Physical Presence World Machine Running In The Family Platinum Edition Staring At The Sun Level Best Guaranteed The Remixes Forever Now Influences Changes Mark King Mike Lindup Phil Gould Boon Gould Wally Badarou Lindup-Badarou". He told his wife after his new name was recorded in court (ele disse a sua esposa depois de seu nome ser registrado no cartório). Do you believe in this story? (você acredita nessa história?). What's your opinion about this guy? (qual sua opinião sobre esse cara?). How many names does this guy have? (quantos nomes esse cara tem?). Do you know the band Level 42? (você conhece a banda Level 42?). Would you do something like that in honor to your favorite band? (você faria algo assim em homenagem a sua banda preferida?). Answer the questions and do the exercises at (responda as perguntas e faça os exercícios no site). See you next class!

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