27 de Maio de 2017 -

Healthy life - sports and exercise 1

por Felipe Dib

Aula do curso de ingles voce aprende agora on the street (na rua). You thought I was going to start our classes inside the gym, right? (você pensou que eu ia começar nossas aulas dentro da academia, certo?). At the kitchen preparing breakfast (na cozinha preparando café da manhã). This is the second time I make something and this is super hot but let's see the result (essa é a segunda vez que faço algo e isso está muito quente mas vamos ver o resultado). Here we go (aqui vamos nós). I'm frying two eggs here and I'm doing it because being healthy requires eating healthy, exercising regularly and sleeping well (estou fritando dois ovos aqui e estou fazendo isso porque ser saudável requer comer de forma saudável, exercitar-se regularmente e dormir bem). This is the second time of my life that I fry eggs but I'd like to reinforce with you the importance to eat healthy (essa é a segunda vez na minha vida que eu frito ovos, mas eu gostaria de reforçar pra você a importância de comer de forma saudável). A frying pan (uma frigideira). Oven (forno). Stove (fogão). Microwave (microondas). I prepared a breakfast (eu preparei um café da manhã). Banana (banana). Whey protein (proteína do soro do leite). Cinnamon (canela). Coconut water (água de côco). Eat well (comer bem). Exercise regularly (exercitar regularmente). Sleep well (dormir bem). These 3 things will improve your health (essas 3 coisas irão melhorar sua saúde). Banana with whey protein, cinnamon and coconut water (banana com proteína do soro do leite, canela e água de côco). Two fried eggs with coconut oil (dois ovos fritos com óleo de côco). Soy bean (soja). See you next class!

1. Felipe is ___ preparing ___.

2. Felipe ___ much cooking experience.

3. Dib is ___ during this video.

4. Dib says being healthy involves 3 things: ___.

5. Felipe is using a ___ to cook.

6. How often do you bake ___? I mean, is your ___ efficient?

7. Felipe's ___ is electric. He doesn't use ___ at home.

8. I have ___ early in the morning and ___ at 12:30. At night I eat a light ___.

9. I use a ___ to heat my food. It's more practical than a ___. In 30 seconds it's done!

10. Canela e óleo de côco = ___.