10 de Agosto de 2021 -

Summary 12 Rules for Life

por Felipe Dib

Hello, my friend (olá, meu amigo). Welcome to the summary of the 12 Rules for Life, by Jordan Peterson (bem-vindo ao resumo das 12 Regras para a Vida, do Jordan Peterson). So good to see you here (muito bom ver você aqui). Rule #1: Stand up straight with your shoulders back (Regra #1: levante-se ereto com seus ombros para trás). The importance of posture when we live (a importância da postura quando nós vivemos). When we go out, when we talk to people (quando nós saímos, quando nós falamos com as pessoas). When you have this posture of standing up straight and putting your shoulders back, your serotonin levels go higher (quando você tem esta postura de levantar-se ereto e colocar seus ombros para traz, seus níveis de serotonina sobem). Rule #2: Treat yourself like someone you're responsible for helping (Regra #2: trate-se como você faria com alguém que você fosse responsável por ajudar). Treat yourself properly (trate-se apropriadamente). It means (isto significa). Sleep well (durma bem). Exercise every day (exercite todo dia). Eat healthy (como saudável).Take care of your mind (cuide da sua mente). Take care of your body (cuide do seu corpo). Take care of your spirit (cuide do seu espírito). As if you would do for someone else (como se você fosse fazer para outra pessoa). Do it for yourself (faça isso para você mesmo). Rule #3: Make friends with people who want the best for you (Regra #3: faça amizade com pessoas que querem o melhor para você). Make friends with people who tell you when you're wrong (faça amizade com as pessoas que te dizem quando você está errado). Make friends with people who are great, who are honest, who are correct (faça amizade com pessoas que sejam ótimas, que sejam honestas, que sejam corretas). Rule #4: Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today (Regra # 4: compare-se a quem você era ontem, não a quem outra pessoa é hoje). Sometimes we're comparing our lives, our achievements, ourselves, with somebody else and that is not a good strategy (às vezes estamos comparando nossas vidas, nossas conquistas, nós mesmos, com outra pessoa e isso não é uma boa estratégia). Compare yourself with yourself, from yesterday, from last month, from last year, from the last decade (compare-se consigo mesmo, de ontem, do mês passado, do ano passado, da última década). See how you are evolving (veja como você está evoluindo). Rule #5: Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them (Regra # 5: Não deixe seus filhos fazerem nada que faça você não gostar deles). The importance of setting limits when we raise our kids (a importância de estabelecer limites quando criamos nossos filhos). The importance of saying "no" (a importância de dizer "não"). The importance of educating our kids so they become better citizens so they respect others so they know their limits (a importância de educar nossos filhos para que se tornem melhores cidadãos para que respeitem os outros e saibam seus limites). Rule #6: Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world (Regra # 6: Ponha sua casa em perfeita ordem antes de criticar o mundo). Once more, the importance of looking to myself (mais uma vez, a importância de olhar para mim). I'm going to see where I must improve (vou ver onde devo melhorar). What I can do (o que eu posso fazer). Where I can go (onde eu posso ir). Before seeing other people's mistakes I'll shape myself (antes de ver os erros dos outros vou me moldar). Rule #7: Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient (Regra # 7: Busque o que é significativo, não o que é conveniente). The importance of doing things that fill our hearts (a importância de fazer coisas que preencham nosso coração). Things that are correct (coisas que são corretas). Sometimes they're boring (às vezes elas são chatas). Sometimes they're not exciting (às vezes elas não são empolgantes). They don't elevate our emotions so much, but they're the things for the long term (elas não elevam tanto nossas emoções, mas são coisas para o longo prazo). Thinking about the long term (pensando sobre o longo prazo). In our relationships being loyal to our spouse (nos nossos relacionamentos ser fiel à nosso cônjuge). With our friends, if I need to tell them something, I'll tell him or her, not somebody else (com os nossos amigos, se eu precisar contar alguma coisa, direi a ele, não a outra pessoa). Rule #8: Tell the truth (Regra #8: diga a verdade). Or, at least, don't lie (ou, pelo menos, não minta). There are two different ways (há dois caminhos diferentes). Truth (verdade). And lie (e mentira). Tell the truth (diga a verdade). If you can't tell the truth, just be quiet (se você não consegue dizer a verdade, simplesmente fique quieto). Be silent (fique em silêncio). If you can't tell the truth, at least, don't lie (se você não pode dizer a verdade, pelo menos, não minta). Rule #9: Assume that the person that you're listening to might know something you don't (suponha que a pessoa que você está ouvindo possa saber algo que você não sabe). The importance of being a good listener (a importância de ser um bom ouvinte). Someone who is really listening to the other person without waiting to give the answer (alguém que está realmente ouvindo a outra pessoa sem esperar para dar a resposta). If you really listen, you'll be amazed by things you hear (se você realmente ouvir, você ficará maravilhado pelas coisas que você escuta). People will reveal you things that are precious (as pessoas irão revelar a você coisas que são preciosas). Rule #10: Be precise in your speech (seja preciso na sua fala). When you say something, be precise (quando você disser alguma coisa, seja preciso). Say exactly what you want (diga exatamente o que você quer). Say exactly what you want to be fixed (dizer exatamente o que você quer que seja consertado). Be precise in your speech (seja preciso na sua fala). When you say "everything is wrong" you can not fix anything (quando você diz "tudo está errado" você não consegue consertar nada). If you say, "this is something we must improve" all right, we have a focus (se você diz, "isso é algo que nós devemos melhorar", tudo bem, nós temos um foco). We know where to aim (nós sabemos onde mirar). Rule #11: Do not bother children when they're skateboarding (Rule #11: não incomode as crianças quando eles estiverem andando de skate). The importance of letting our kids grow, letting our kids fall and stand up by themselves (a importância de deixarmos nossas crianças crescerem, deixar nossas crianças caírem e se levantarem por sozinhas). "When they're skateboarding, they're not trying to be safe" (quando eles estão andando de skate, eles não estão tentando estar seguros). They're trying to be competent (eles estão tentando ser competentes). And competence is the safest place (e competência é o lugar mais seguro). Rule #12: Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street (Regra #12: Acaricie um gato quando você encontrar com um na rua). The importance of the little small pleasures we have in our lives (a importância dos pequenos prazeres que nós temos em nossas vidas). Smelling coffee, smelling a flower (sentir o cheiro de café, sentir o cheiro de uma flor). Watching a girl dancing (assistir uma menina dançando). Seeing a dog playing (ver um cachorro brincando). Pet a cat (acaricie um gato). These were the 12 Rules for Life, by Jordan Peterson (essas foram as 12 Regras para a Vida, de Jordan Peterson). I hope you have enjoyed it (espero que você tenha curtido). Comment here (comente aqui). What's your favorite Rule? (qual é a sua Regra preferida?). Share this video with your friends (compartilhe este vídeo com seus amigos). See you next class!

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Um abraço e see you next class,


Felipe Dib. 

1. Without ___ we quickly become slaves to our ___ and there's nothing freeing about it.

2. Order is where people around you remain ___.

3. We're not happy, technically speaking, unless we see ourselves ___.

4. Rule #1 is: ___.

5. Lobsters want somewhere ___.

6. Rule #1 talks about ___.

7. Rule #1 says that ___.

8. Low serotonin means ___.

9. Change might be ___, instead of ___.

10. When serotonin flows you feel ___.

11. Attend carefully to ___.

12. Dare to be ___. Stand up straight with your shoulders ___.

13. Rule #2 is: ___.

14. Place one foot in what you have ___ and the other in what you are currently ___.

15. The worst of all possible snakes is ___.

16. Life would be ___.

17. To treat yourself well is to consider what ___.

18. Keep the promises you make to yourself, so you can ___.

19. Rule #3 is: ___.

20. The desire to improve is the precondition for ___.

21. If you surround yourself with people who support your upward aim, they will ___.

22. A good friend will ___.

23. Have some ___. Make friends with people who want the ___ for you.

24. Rule #3 talks about ___.

25. Rule #4 is: ___.

26. Winning at everything might only mean that you're ___.

27. Gratitude is a great protection against ___.

28. When you have something to say, silence is a ___.

29. What you aim at determines what ___.

30. Making your life better means ___.

31. Search until you find something that bothers you. Then ___.

32. Attend to the ___, but aim at the ___.

33. Ask and you shall ___. Knock and the door will be ___.

34. Rule #5 is: ___.

35. Modern ___ are paralyzed by the ___ that they won't be loved by their children if they ___ the kids.

36. You can ___ your children or leave it to someone else, who will be much ___ with them.

37. A properly socialized three-year-old is ___.

38. A child who ___ will have friends wherever he goes.

39. Rule #6 is: ___.

40. Consider your circumstances and ___.

41. Start to stop doing what you ___.

42. We must fix ___ before we try to ___.

43. When we concentrate to improve ourselves ___.

44. Rule #7 is: ___.

45. What is ___ proves itself to be ___.

46. Sacrifice ___.

47. The successful among us ___.

48. If you are ___ and privilege ___ over the ___ you can change the reality in your favor.

49. Aim ___.

50. Expedience is the following of ___. It's ___ gain.

51. Meaning emerges when impulses are ___.

52. Expedience is ___.

53. Rule #8 is: ___.

54. Don't know what to do? ___.

55. If you say untrue things you ___.

56. Truth builds edifices that can stand ___.

57. If your life is not what it could be, ___.

58. In Paradise, everyone speaks ___.

59. Rule #9 is: ___.

60. Listening is ___.

61. It's amazing what people will tell you if you ___.

62. By listening carefully to other people, you can ___.

63. If you listen without premature judgment, people will generally tell you ___.

64. Rule #9 talks about ___.

65. Rule #10 is: ___.

66. Don't ever underestimate the destructive power of ___.

67. Everything clarified and articulated ___.

68. Why refuse to specify, when specifying the problem would enable its ___?

69. If we speak carefully and precisely, we can ___.

70. If we speak carelessly things remain ___.

71. Courageous and ___ words will render your reality simple, pristine, ___.

72. Rule #10 talks about ___.

73. Rule #11 is: ___.

74. When children are playing they're trying to ___.

75. Overprotected we will ___ when something dangerous comes.

76. Men toughen up by ___.

77. Rule #12 is: ___.

78. Cooperation is for ___.

79. Conserve your ___. You're in a ___, not a battle, and a war is composed of many ___.

80. Wish upon a star, and then ___, in accordance with that ___.

81. Put the things you ___ in order.

82. If you pay ___ attention, even on a bad day, you'll see ___.

83. If you follow Rule ___ your serotonin levels go ___.

84. Rule #2 talks about ___ and taking care of yourself.

85. Rule #3 talks about ___.

86. Rule #4 is about ___.

87. Rule #4 is about comparing yourself with ___.

88. Rule #5 is about ___.

89. Rule #5 talks about the importance of ___.

90. Rule #6 is about ___.

91. Rule #7 is about doing things that ___.

92. Rule #8 is about being ___.

93. If you can't tell the truth, just ___.

94. Rule #9 is about ___.

95. Rule #10 is about ___.

96. Rule #11 is about ___.

97. Rule #12 is about the ___.

98. Next class you'll receive a ___.

99. The first Rule mentions a ___ as a reference.

100. This book talks about ___ we can take to ___.