27 de Novembro de 2017 -

3 passos para convencer qualquer pessoa! Palestra do Dib

por Felipe Dib

Hello, my friend! 

Nessa palestra falo sobre 3 "armas da persuasão" apresentadas pelo PhD americano Robert Cialdini. Com que frequência você usa essas técnicas?

Um abraço e see you next class,


1. Dib says typing is ___ and writing is ___.

2. Dib says the advantage of a video-class is that you can ___ it.

3. Dib says you're being ___.

4. Dib is giving this talk at ___.

5. One of the guys in the audience, ___, is having a ___ time.

6. ___ is key to convince someone. You need to do ___.

7. ___ is the second key to convince someone.

8. People value what they have in ___.

9. ___ is another key to persuade people and ___ is essential to acquire it.

10. Dib says looks help you ___ people, but it's ___.