27 de Novembro de 2017 -

Qual a importância do inglês na sua vida? Palestra do Dib part 4

por Felipe Dib

And you, my friend? Queremos te ver speaking English e sendo Líder por onde for! Um abraço e see you next class, Felipe Dib.

1. Dib says the ___ voice is the most important.

2. Evelyn said if they want to ___ they'll need English.

3. Evelyn comments about ___.

4. Felipe says English ___.

5. Maria mentioned ___ in Brazil.

6. Maria is from a ___.

7. Dib says that if you're from a ___ you'll have ___ opportunities to speak English.

8. Part of Você Aprende Agora's mission is to see you being a ___.

9. Felipe asks you to study ___ a day.

10. Dib asks you ___ English is ___ to you.