17 de Janeiro de 2019 -
Hello, my friend! How are you? If you're out of time or "in a rush", go to the last paragraph of this text for a fast answer.
In times of immediate responses and connection 24 hours a day, talking about long-term transformation is a risk! But… at Você Aprende Agora we believe you can (and must!) dream big, and make a daily effort to get better every day. This is our mission - seeing you speaking English and being a Leader wherever you go. "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" was written by John Maxwell in 1998, and its goal is to improve your skills as a Leader.
Last classes we talked about the first 8 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership:
1- Law of the Lid;
2- Law of Influence;
3- Law of Process;
4- Law of Navigation;
5- Law of Addition;
6- Law of Solid Ground;
7- Law of Respect;
8- Law of Intuition.
Today we continue with Law n. 9: the Law of Magnetism. Maxwell says "who you are is who you attract" and he talks about the importance of self-development. "People who view life as a series of opportunities and exciting challenges don't want to hear others talk about how bad things are all the time".
Your attitude is something you must pay attention, my friend. "Attitude is one of the most contagious qualities a human being possesses. People with good attitudes tend to make people around them feel more positive. Those with a terrible attitude tend to bring others down". Do you know someone who relate to it?
You attract who you are, and if you're disappointed with the people around you, maybe it's time to develop your own skills and see how things change. By developing your character you attract people with the same values as you, and also with abilities you don't have, which is key in every organization. If you want to attract better people, become the kind of person you desire to attract. Who do you want to attract now? Comment here and see you next class!