13 de Dezembro de 2018 -
Hello, my friend! How are you? If you're out of time or "in a rush", go to the last paragraph of this text for a fast answer.
In times of immediate responses and connection 24 hours a day, talking about long-term transformation is a risk! But… at Você Aprende Agora we believe you can (and must!) dream big, and make a daily effort to get better every day. This is our mission - seeing you speaking English and being a Leader wherever you go. "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" was written by John Maxwell in 1998, and its goal is to improve your skills as a Leader.
Last classes we talked about the first 3 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership:
1- Law of the Lid;
2- Law of Influence;
3- Law of Process.
He starts this chapter saying that anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. At this moment we're taught about the importance of having a leader (I want you to become this person) to point the direction and guide the boat. "Followers need leaders able to effectively navigate for them", says John Maxwell. But why?
Navigators see the trip ahead, and they know where they want to be. The author says "they see the whole trip in their minds before they leave the dock, they have vision for getting to their destination, they understand what it will take to get there, they know who they'll need on the team to be successful, and they recognize the obstacles long before they appear on the horizon".
The more you navigate, the more skilled you become. That means you'll need successes to celebrate, and (more important!) you'll also have failures to learn from. We tend to hide failures, to forget them, but they're the blessings where we find the best lessons. How did I start? Who did I invite? What should I have done before?
Navigation teaches you the importance of preparation. Think about the resources, the people, the unexpected and mainly, the destination. As Jim Collins says in his "Good to Great" (you have this content available here), we must retain faith that you'll prevail in the end, and (attention!) you must also confront the most brutal facts of your current reality. What's your next destination, my friend? How will you get there? See you next class!